Region:South East England

Technique:Kiln work


Discipline:Decorative, Functional, Sculptural

Areas of Interest:Education, Exhibition, Networking

Country:United Kingdom

Roberta De Caro

Roberta De Caro is an emerging multi-disciplinary artist. Her work ranges from fine art prints, to sculptures and large scale installations. Roberta's practice encompasses also participatory and community art projects. Her work often involves processes such as etching and casting. Glass is often the material of choice for Roberta, who has always been fascinated by its qualities and materiality. Roberta started working in the creative industry as a self taught glass maker in 2011, when she first created her glass art business and glass studio 'Peace of Glass', still an ongoing concern; currently Roberta works mainly on commission and on collaborative projects, as well as providing services such as kiln hiring and workshops. Over the years Roberta's own work evolved from craft into fine art, particularly after graduating in Fine Arts at City & Guilds of London Art School. Her fine art practice and glass studio business exist alongside each other as two separate entities with constant crossovers. Roberta is currently a post-graduate student at City & Guilds of London Art School where she is doing an MA in Art & Material Histories. Her research is centred on glass and the way we engage with this extraordinary material.

My current project titled ‘From the Fragment to the Whole’ is a participatory and community art project centred on the parallel between the material qualities of glass and the experience of domestic abuse. I will guide different groups of survivors of domestic abuse to create glass objects from shards of glass. The act of piecing together shattered glass can be a powerful metaphor for the process of reconstructing, repairing and healing the fragmented self.The glass works created will not only reflect and refract the light but also the histories of the participants. For each such groups, the glass making sessions will also produce a final collaborative artwork that will be part of a collection of similar pieces produced by the different groups of survivors. These will then be exhibited in a show. To find out more go to :

Protection , Photography by Roberta De Caro

Patriarchy , Photography by Roberta De Caro

The Tipping Point , Photography by Roberta De Caro

Embrace , Photography by Roberta De Caro