

World country:France



Discipline:Decorative, Design, Fine art

Areas of Interest:Advertising, Competitions, Networking

Product:Commission, Design/ Functional/ interiors, Fine Art, Public art, Sculpture, Wall pieces


Juliette Leperlier

Juliette Leperlier didn’t came to Pâte de Verre by chance, it’s a matter of legacy, of family tradition. Her great grandfather François Décorchemont did design the technique, then her father Etienne Leperlier and her uncle Antoine kept doing some research on this matter, medium for their art. In 2014, she took over her late father workshop and fully commited to her creation

Glass, a paradoxical material at the very basis of my research
Both transparent and opaque, fragile and Tough, stable and unstable… It is an amorphous material that could be considered a solid as much as a liquid.
My sculptures are designed to represent that flow of unstable material. They are forces in movement frozen into time and space like waves caught in the cold.
I like to give the illusion of a fixed time, a moment between what was (a shape in formation) and what will be (the imagination feeding from the blooming of the shape).

Coriolis V, 27 x 27 x 22 cm , A. Monfrais

Cabriole II, 34x13x25cm , A. Monfrais

Ambivalence III, 66x27x21cm , A. Monfrais

Effusion IV, 87 x 47 x 22 cm , A. Monfrais

Contrepoint V, 35 x 23 x 16 cm , A. Monfrais

Principe d’incertitude III, 23x23x21cm , J. Leperlier